It’s no secret that beverages have the highest margins for profitability. Are you maximizing your opportunity to make the most beverage sales?
To start you need to have a good menu. What are the beverage trends at the moment?
According to sourcing by
Overall, consumers want more coffee, tea and alcohol options from restaurants. For the youngest demographic — the Millennials — tea is as significant a driver as coffee. Consumers across the board said they want more tea options represented on menus, including sweet, flavored and iced.
Operators say they are more bullish about smoothie sales and consumers are seeking out more craft beer options. Smoothies have the “perceived healthy” halo and have also benefited as a meal replacement choice for those on the go. Craft beer has a social advantage, and tends to attract Millennials.
To read the full article go here.
Soda sales are slipping with the healthy living movement and growing awareness in staying body conscious.
Over all advice: Add a wider healthier option. People want to buy things that will be good for them. Put yourself in the shoes of the customers and ask yourself what would make you really happy to see on a menu item.
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