It’s summer again, and it’s hot. If you live in southern California, you can’t seem to go anywhere these days without seeing a frozen yogurt store. Consumers from all around can be regularly seen seeking shelter from the heat at one of these tasty little spots, with frozen yogurt dispensaries popping up left and right. This frozen yogurt frenzy is not exclusively a west-coast phenomenon, however.
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On August 1st, the state of Connecticut witnessed its first ever self-serve frozen yogurt lounge with “Froyoworld” opening its doors in New Haven. Froyoworld is hitting the ground running with over 45 toppings and 6 flavors on the initial line-up, so Connecticut residents will have plenty of tantalizing options to keep them entertained.
However, behind every great business there is great point-of-sale, or so they say, and this business is no exception. In order to accurately process the amount of transactions needed, manage profits and deliver quick, efficient customer satisfaction, a strong POS system was required to get the job done. Sintel Systems provided the complete package of point-of-sale hardware and software, including customer displays, receipt printers, touch-based PCs, scales etc. From order processing & returns, to remote access & employee time clock, all bases are covered with a Frozen Yogurt POS System from Sintel.