Everyone wants to know why All-in-One POS systems are better than Standard Desktop POS systems. It is not just a matter of aesthetics, but that is a leading reason.
When consumers are looking for electronics they do not usually go for the product which is outdated; so why would you look for that with your most important piece of electronic equipment for your business?
All-in-One POS terminals have the benefit of taking up less counter space within your business, which means they can be basically put anywhere you would like. With the base dimensions of 8″ by 9 3/4″ it takes up very little counter space. An average Desktop POS system has a tower which houses all the internals of the computer and needs to be put somewhere in addition to the screen. Why would you want to have to find a place for your screen and your tower when you can just find a place for just your All-in-One POS system? You wouldn’t.
Lastly, after you have built your business, the last thing you want is to have the customer have to see an outdated POS when they are purchasing their goods. Nowadays everyone is becoming more technologically advanced and everyone expects this in their everyday lives. You do not want to put the idea that you are not leading the way with an old looking piece of electronic equipment when you can have an All-in-One POS that looks pleasing to the eye.
Lastly, please remember that that great things come in small packages and bigger is not always better.
Sintel Systems is a high quality provider of Point of Sale Systems.
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