Kitchen Display Systems also known as KDS has evolved from complicated hardware packages consisting of PC, monitor or screen, and bumpbar to a simple all in one hardware with touch application. Sintel Systems offers the KDS Module with all Restaurant POS Systems Packages.
KDS Installation Made Easy:
Installation is also simplified. All you need is power and a Ethernet connection to the network. The self contained system can be mounted in a position accessible to process orders using the touch application. KDS has been made easy. Restaurant Point of Sales often use network kitchen printers to process orders through the kitchen. The Kitchen Display Systems can accommodate multiple stations such as a salad station, food station, beverage station and much more.
Click here to see the new Sintel Systems Kitchen Display Systems. KDS is added to Terminal Systems. For systems using Terminals powerful and capable enough to run as servers such as the Model E-RS, Model E4-RS, Model E4Z-RS, Model 5-RS, and Model 7-RS up to 2 KDS terminals without the need for a Dedicated Server.
KDS Sales Contact Information:
Call: (855) POS-SALE