What is the best and lowest fee for credit card processing and merchant accounts?

The first thing to understand about credit card or merchant account fees are that they come in many shapes and tiers. You can get a quote for a very low per transaction fee, but pay a higher percentage per transaction fee or higher monthly fee. So the most important factor is to look at the entire package including:
– All the fees combined
– Transaction time
– Support, Service, and Maintenance.
– Ability to integrate with your POS systems
So, what you should be looking for is total value. If you have really low fees, but the transactions take 30 seconds, and you get no support when you need it, how much is it really worth. Instead of asking “What is the best and lowest fee?” you should be asking “How much value will this credit card processor bring to me?”
At Sintel Systems our Point of Sale (POS) systems come with integrated credit card processing which quickly process transactions. The best part is that Sintel Systems is your one stop solution. We take care of it all. How much is that worth to your business?
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