social media marketing

Social Media is Not the Only Way to Acquire New Customers, But It May Be the Greatest

In a previous blog we talked about how Facebook’s new Graph Search can help you find the customers that you do and do not want. posted an interesting infographic on how to use social media to find customers. The infographic listed some pretty surprising and fascinating information: 77% of business to customer (B2C) marketers […]

Social Media is Not the Only Way to Acquire New Customers, But It May Be the Greatest Read More »

The Facebook Graph Search Is Not Just For Your Personal Page

Last month Facebook launched Graph Search . By using information you have already given such as location data and different posts/photos that you have been tagged and compiling it all into a search engine. For retailers, Graph Search gives you the opportunity to locate the customers you do want and even the one’s you may

The Facebook Graph Search Is Not Just For Your Personal Page Read More »