Find Sintel Systems at the 2014 International Pizza Expo
Las Vegas, NV – March 24th, 2014 – Sintel Systems is attending the International Pizza Expo located at the Las Vegas Convention Center this year. Ready and equipped with all the Pizza POS knowledge that any pizza shop owner will need; come find all of the point of sale software, hardware, support, training, warranty, credit card processing and gift cards to run your pizza store smoothly and efficiently as you’ll need.
Do you have questions about your prospective Pizza Shop POS? If your located in the area our Sintel representatives will be at the International Pizza Expo to give you expert advice and tips on running your pizza shop to be. We’ll answer any questions you have and you’ll get to see our systems working in action. Sintel Systems has everything from POS Caller ID Connection to even the perfect pizza website template, totally equipped with a Visal Pizza Builder feature! Make ordering pizza a fun experience every time your customers go to your website.
Are you looking to franchising your pizza shop? Sintel Systems has a franchising program set up exactly for clients looking to do just that. Grow your company larger as you expand your pizza shops and connect them all through one network with our Sintel Systems franchising plan. See all your stores information and sales reports for the day, week, month and years to come. With one network to keep track of all your franchisees staying on top of your business will be as easy as calling one telephone number here at Sintel Systems – (972) POS-TECH.
Join us at the Pizza Expo 2014, Las Vegas Convention Center, March 35-27:
3150 Paradise Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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