Mounting your cash drawer under your counter makes it very safe and stylish for your business. It will keep your area neat and organized. That is why it is very important to mount your cash drawer under your counter. The cash drawer by being under the counter makes it less visible to the public and safer for employees from being robbed. As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget.
Sintel Systems is the only direct and single-source point of sale provider to the restaurant industry with top grade hardware, franchise enterprise software, all inclusive technical support, global gift/loyalty network with mobile app, replacement warranty, and embedded merchant services. Sintel Systems is one of the best systems that block hackers from breaching into your computer system and the most reliable software with backup cloud options.
As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support
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