With the slew of legal issues involved in running a restaurant, just got an inquiry about the legal ramifications surrounding installing hidden security cameras in your restaurant similar to those used by Food Network’s new show Restaurant Stakeout. The show’s premise is to install hidden security cameras in underperformed restaurants to see what is going. So should a restaurant owner be worried about legal ramifications of going Restaurant Stakeout? The short answer is: You may want to consult an attorney before installing a hidden camera system.
This is another reason why we recommend that unless specifically needed, get our Prevention Security Camera Systems (PSCS) which is a non hidden camera system. Playing Restaurant Stakeout involved a great about of time which many restaurant owners just don’t have. As we said in our previous article: After all, which do you prefer: Catching a worker not working or having a worker that is working?
Interested in learning more about a “Stakeout” or Prevention security camera system for your business or home?
- Visit www.SintelSystems.com
- Call 855-CCTV-SALES and mention promotion code “Stakeout”
- One of our helpful techies will help you choose the right system including the needed number of cameras.
- You get the system and following our simple to use instructional guide, get your store.
- Each package come with a Technical Support & Maintenance Plan
- If you are thinking about doing your home, talk to us about that, too.
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About Sintel Systems: Provider of security camera and point of sale systems to a variety of industries including restaurants.