If you own a business, you have felt the weight of menial tasks breathing down your back each day. As much as you want everything to be thoroughly thought out and looked at, in reality to move forward you have to leave what’s left behind and keep moving forward. Tomorrow is another day and new opportunities are arising as we think.
Here is a quick overview of 5 tips from Entreprenuer.com on how to help grow your business:
Automate tasks with software. Software was made to simplify your life. Automated emailing, blogging, billing, accounting and the list goes on. Every organization should have an email strategy. Digital advertising and social media are also scalable and both require very little money to get started. Let us not forget that POS Software is a must have at the top list in managing the point of sale in your store front.
Build your business through referrals. Referrals are a simple way to grow a business. It’s simple to develop a rewards system to encourage customer referrals. Business-to-business companies can also adopt this by providing incentives or rewards to customers for referrals or loyalty. The absolute best way to accomplish this though is to incorporate sharing into your product. Through social media, products are require to be shared in order to be used effectively.
Be an efficient leader and project manager. Effectively managing your own time is another key area that will help you improve the overall efficiency of your business. Focus on efficient business communications by training people to contact you by email instead of by phone. Email is searchable, scalable, documented, available 24/7 in the cloud and there are a host of productivity tools available to become even more effective with it.
Schedule your entire week in advance. In order to be effective at this, your calendar must be sacrosanct. This takes discipline to implement.
Don’t aim for perfection. Be smart when implementing any of these ideas. Find small opportunities to test and learn as you go. Although some of these ideas will require a lot of investment on your part, don’t give up. One needs to invest in multiple areas at the same time. Scale the ones that show results and nurture the other ones.
Don’t worry about getting it right on the first try — you won’t. It’s repeated often in my office that the first iPhone shipped without a copy/paste function, and that didn’t stop Apple from launching it. When in doubt, just remember what’s painted in the hall at Facebook:
“Done is better than perfect.”
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