November 15, 2012 – Los Angeles, Ca – United Merchant Services (UMS) and (a division of Sintel Systems) announced today that they have finalized plans to jointly exhibit at the 2013 International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas from March 19 to March 21, 2013. East and West to join! UMS, a New jersey based premier merchant services provider (credit card) and, a Los Angeles based vertically integrated point of sale (POS) provider will join to present their latest services to the pizza industry. Exclusively presenting pizza POS systems operated by UP Solution software platform and the “coolest” hardware, BestPizzaPOS and UMS will bring a one-stop technology solution to the 2013 Expo. This includes premier integrated credit card processing provided by UMS and excellent support/service structure provided by Representatives from both organizations will be in Las Vegas to present and address audience concerns. Senior staff members from both companies expressed “excitement” adding that we will be the best at this year’s show. spokesman stated, “make makes us and UMS the best, is foremost our people who actually care about the needs of the customer and are ready to respond.”
United Merchant Services, Inc. (“UMS”) is a comprehensive payment processing company for merchants nationwide. UMS continues to introduce innovative payment products and services to merchants and its commitment to excellent customer service has made UMSI one of the top private payment processors in the nation. is a quality provider point of sale systems to the pizza industry and pizzerias offering UMS services as part of its vertically integrated systems. You can see our videos on our pizza POS systems in English & Spanish.
We are & UMS: Single Source Business Solutions! Hardware – Software – Support – Merchnat Accounts
Questions or Comments: Contact us 855-POS-SALES