Business Spring Cleaning by

packagesDo you need some advice on how to give your business a spring cleaning?

Check out a few questions and answers suggested by Octavia’s session:
Q: When should a small business website be updated?
A: “Great question. An outdated website sends the wrong message to potential clients. Recently, we had an expert in to talk on web development. He recommended a monthly sprucing and the inclusion of a blog in order to make your website more attractive to Google.”
Q: What is the best format to utilize social media to grow your business?
A: “The short answer is, it depends on the business. Some businesses should stay away from certain forms of social media. For example, a Facebook page might not be appropriate for a medical doctor. A review of your target market and a short consultation with a professional can help you determine what kind of social media is appropriate and most effective for you.”
Q: I own a franchise business. It’s been open for 7 years, and I need some capital infused to help me grow. I am a sole proprietor. Any suggestions?
A: “Yes, I have a suggestion. Gather up all your financial reporting, including tax returns, and make an appointment with someone at SCORE or an SBDC. Did you know that it might be possible to get a coach at SCORE who has experience in your industry and can mentor you? You can, of course, also make an appointment for an informal meeting with your original funder. If your cash flow is marginal, ask about a SBA (loan) guarantee.”
To read the full article go here.
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