On July 8, 2014 the first retail location to sell marijuana (cannabis / pat) opened it doors in Seattle Washington after the state’s Liquor Control Board issued the license on Monday. The state of Washington is the second to legalize recreational use of cannabis after Colorado began sales on January 1, 2014.
USA Today reported: “All that demand is expected to cause significant pot shortages and prices to temporarily skyrocket in the short term as growers match supply and buyers adjust to a system where marijuana is legally bought and sold from state-regulated stores. … expects to see tight supplies in the initial days of legalization. In Colorado, for instance, prices for an ounce of high-grade marijuana rose past $300 in the first few days of January as lines snaked around the block at some stores and retailers blocked large purchases. Over the July 4 weekend, however, one large chain of Colorado marijuana stores was selling ounces for $85, plus tax.”
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