Gift Cards are a superb way of generating revenue for your business! With the ability to raise capital without having to immediately give away product to customers, gift cards offer many benefits to business owners. With the help of Sintel Systems and the FlexGift system, you can now also share gift card data between multiple locations. This is great for franchises that want a unified gift card that can be redeemed seamlessly between all locations. This is a incredibly valuable feature for all franchise and multi-store establishments.
The FlexGift system allows hundreds of different locations to be able to share one unified system of gift card balances. This gives store owners the ability to have a unified gift card marketing plan and increases customer brand awareness. A Win Win situation all around! This advanced system will automatically update with newly issued gift cards as they are activated, effectively linking any new gift card to all other existing stores under the same FlexGift account. Sintel Systems and FlexGift will also maintain accurate and nearly instant reflection of gift card balances as well.
Once a gift card is issued under the FlexGift system, that money goes into a shared account between all of the locations within that FlexGift account. Then which ever location redeems the gift card, will receive the proceeds from that card. In essence the store that actually gives the product (frozen yogurt for example) to the customer will receive the money linked to that card, from the shared account. This ensures that a store is compensated properly for the gift cards that they redeem.
We highly recommend all growing franchises and new multi-location establishments to immediately take advantage of the numerous benefits offered by the FlexGift System. Combined with the power of UP Restaurant Point of Sale Software, FlexGift can issue, redeem and reload gift cards in just seconds! With years of hardwork aimed at streamlining the gift card process for both cashiers and customers, FlexGift and UP Restaurant, along with Sintel Systems have engineered a superior Point of Sale ecosystem capable of meeting the rigorous demands set forth by the Food & Retail Industries.
Sintel Systems places great importance on each and every client relationship. We want your business to be successful, and we believe that trust and communication are invaluable tools that will help us help your business grow. Call us for more information on our Clients, POS & Surveillance Products.
Sintel Systems
6606 San Fernando Rd.
Glendale, CA 91201