The Restaurant Wireless Service Request Button System is very simple to use. Each lamp lights up for one table. When a customer needs something, he/she can push one of the three service buttons and receives his/her need. Each color has its own meaning:
- The Red Light
means the customer requests a something universal like some ice cubes.
means the customer requests to refill his/her drink.
- The Orange Light
means the customer requests his/her bill.
- “Off” (No Light)
means the customer changed his mind and canceled his/her request.
The Restaurant Wireless Service Request Button System which is also known as “Restaurant Call System”, “Waiter Call Service System”, or “Restaurant Waiter Service Paging System” is a phenomenal helper. This intelligent server advances a restaurant on a very special way. The Button System has several benefits:
- It is Service on Demand
That makes it less troubled by the decreased number of visits per table in the restaurant. It is also a way to avoid distractions during conversations.
- It Is Easier To Signal The Waiter
It often happens that something is needed but it is hard to get the attention of the waiter. This problem is solved with this system. Just with one button the waiter is signaled and arrives to your table.
- The Waiter Doesn’t Waste Time And Energy On Each Customer
Working in a restaurant is hard work. Make the job of your workers easier by using this system. The waiters only visit the customer when they request him/her. Thus, the waiters are more relaxed, the work is better organized, and it’s getting faster.
- Experience And Impression
Many people don’t just go to a restaurant for the food; they want to have an enjoyable time and a fantastic experience. This system leaves a good impression and an impressive experience for the customer, so that they want to come back. Every restaurant needs to have its own personality. This system makes the visit to your restaurant unique and special. In this way, the customer comes more often, in order to enjoy the great service and the atmosphere.
- Less Is More
When there is the less trouble with the waiters who run from table to table, the more a quieter and calm ambiance in the restaurant.
After so many different and marvelous aspects it has to be for sure an efficient option to improve your restaurant with this incredible system.
- The Main Console
has the ability to pick up signals from the wireless units at the tables with a 300ft Open Area range. The console is super thin and it doesn’t take much room. It can be set on the counter or mounted on the wall.
- The Menu Holder
which is made of acrylic, is practical to hold the menu, specials, or commercials. The Button service Caller can be fixed on the on the front panel, and angled in order to be easy to push.
- The Button Service Caller
is tiny, wireless, easy to use, and waterproof. On the Caller, there are four symbolisms marked which stand for universal request, refill request, bill request, and if the customer cancels his/her request.
Each console is able to control 32 tables in one area. Up to 4 Main consoles are permitted to be combined for an absolute of 128 tables for each area.
Sintel Systems is the only direct to end user full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail, restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shops, pizzerias, sushi restaurants, cafés and retail stores.
As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support
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