In today’s world it is important to keep your home and business safe from unwanted visitors. A great way to accomplish this task is to install a Surveillance system which is a proven deterrent of crime. With the presence of a well planned out security camera system, homes and businesses can keep away thieves as well as other unwanted visitors by letting them know they are being recorded on camera. These very same reasons mean it is essential to repair a broken DVR (Digital Video Recorder) to ensure you capture any potentially dangerous activities as they occur.
855-CCTV-SALE is based out of Glendale California, is a leading provider of Surveillance equipment in Los Angeles country and Southern California. 855-CCTV-SALE also provides DVR repair services to our customers. DVR repair can be facilitate either in person by bringing your malfunctioning DVR to our Glendale office. Or as an alternative, 855-CCTV-SALE can also repair a DVR shipped to us from anywhere in the world! (Case Number Required if DVR is Shipped) Now it is also important to understand that DVR repair is not always the most economical solution when you experience issues with your Surveillance system. With the fast moving pace of technology, digital video records are constantly being improved and more efficiently engineered.
Below are five reasons why replacing your DVR may be a better option then repairing your DVR.
1. DVR Repair Not Cost Effective Compared to a New DVR!
A Typical DVR Repair will cost almost as much as purchasing a new DVR. Because repairs require the time of a technician plus the cost of the parts, it is very common for the total cost of repairing a DVR to be comparable to that of purchasing a brand new DVR.
2. A Repaired DVR May Not Last As Long As a Brand New DVR (Full Warranty)!
A brand new DVR will include a full manufacturers warranty where as a repaired DVR does not. Repaired electronics in general tend to be prone to additional problems going forward because they have already been tampered with and are no longer within the specifications of the factory that manufactured them.
3. Repairing a DVR takes longer than Replacing a DVR!
Diagnosing and repairing a faulty DVR takes some time. The longer the downtime with your surveillance system, the higher the potential of not recording an important event at your home or businesses. In order to cut down on downtime, replacing your DVR is the best option, with same day shipping available, you can be up and running in no time.
4. Take Advantage of New Technological Improvements Available in New Model DVRs!
Technology is moving at a incredibly fast pace, and Digital Video Recorders are no exception! DVR manufactures are constantly improving upon their designs and offering more advanced features to customers at a lower cost. Increased reliability and larger storage capacities are just a few of the reasons why opting for a new DVR is a better option then repairing your older model.
5. Support offered with New DVRs!
855-CCTV-SALE is committed to providing customers with high level support. We take the time to fully understand every product we sell in order to be able to provide the best support to our customers when the time comes. With a support plan from 855-CCTV-SALE, you can rest assured that if you ever have an issues with your DVR, a 855-CCTV-SALE’s technician will be knowledgeable about the product and be able to offer assistance.
This post was posted in Business Tools, Credit Card, Frozen Yogurt POS, Inventory Control, Pizza | Pizzeria POS, Point of Sale and was tagged with Point of Sale, POS, franchise, Restaurant POS, Credit Card, Pizza, Credit Card Processing, Pizzeria, Pizza Point of Sale, cash registers, retail pos, inventory management, merchant account, debit card processing, retail point of sale, restaurant point of sale, POS hardware, POS software, merchant account processing, POS service, POS support, POS training, franchise pos, franchising, opening a store
Please note: 855-CCTV-SALE offering security camera and CCTV services is not affiliated with Sintel Systems POS. 855-CCTV-SAL is a separate company and Sintel Systems makes no warranties or guarantees .