Sintel Systems continues to serve the growing self-serve frozen yogurt market in Costa Rica by offering a true one-stop POS solution from the capital of San José, Puerto Limón and Alajuela to San Francisco. As Costa Rica continues to expand, Sintel System stands ready to tackle on all of the POS needs of the Central American region including Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. As the leading provider of Spanish language custom tailored frozen yogurt POS systems in Latin America, our package deals meet all the requirements and demands of running any delicious frozen yogurt desert shop.
Here are a few shops already getting their start on the Costa Rican frozen yogurt market:
Sol Frozen Yogurt located in the lobby of Hotel Divisamar; Manuel Antonio Quepos, Costa Rica.
Wanayog in Paseo de las Flores of Heredia, Costa Rica.
Moyo Frozen Yogurt has 7 locations across Costa Rica:
**Multiplaza Escazú
Rotonda 3era Etapa, Planta Baja contiguo a Tukis.
**Paseo de las Flores – Heredia
Rotonda 1era etapa 2ndo piso. A la par de Oops.
Local K-12 en la vereda frente a Libreria Internacional.
**Multiplaza del Este
Planta baja contiguo a Cinemark.
**Plaza Lincoln
Lincoln Plaza, San Jose, Moravia antiguo colegio Lincoln.
**Paseo Metropoli
La Lima de Cartago.
**Avenida Escazú
Costado Este del Hospital CIMA en Escazú.
Ever thought about your own ideas in starting a frozen yogurt franchise in Costa Rica? Everyone has their unique way of selling their yogurt, share your ideas with us and Sintel Systems will help you get started on everything POS you need. Given the strong presence Sintel Systems has in the frozen yogurt segment of the restaurant POS marketplace, we share all of our interesting and knowledgeable findings with our customers and franchise hopefuls. We also happily share our vast experience and expertise in the frozen yogurt market sector and geographic growth trends with startup owners in order to help them make the best decisions from the very beginning.
If you are interested in learning more about Sintel’s POS systems and how our knowledge and support can impact your future success, call us for a complimentary phone consultation.
Sintel Systems is the only full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail, restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shops, pizzerias, sushi restaurants, cafés and retail stores.
As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support
Questions or Comments: Contact us 855-POS-SALES
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