One of a few new concepts making fresh made-to-order ice cream, Frozen 7 Decadent Nitrogen Ice Cream is opening their third locations.
Nitrogren is the seventh most common element making up 78% of the worlds earth’s atmosphere. Nitrogen is the fourth most common element found in the human body.
Although, when used to make ice cream, nitrogen creates a creamy unparalleled texture. Infusing nitrogen into the process “virtually eliminates the ice and milk crystals that form in traditional ice cream.”
Decadent desserts are custom made using “Organic Ice Cream, Non-Dairy bases, and Farm Fresh Ingredients.” They have a large assortment of signatures options or unique offerings, toppings, and add-ons.
Signature flavors include, Blackberry Goat Cheese, Orange Blossom Blueberry, and Grey Sea Salt Butterscotch Pretzel. All of which are a must try!
Visit a Frozen 7 near you:
The Market Place
13238 Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA 92602
Lake Forest Gateway (Coming Soon)
23622 Rockfield Boulevard
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Balboa Island
210 Marine Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92662
Sintel Systems is the only direct to end user full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail,restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shops, pizzerias, sushi restaurants, cafés and retail stores.
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